
Eraser Ring Bible Verse Valentine

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Here’s the second free printable for Valentine’s Day this year! I think they turned out so cute. And what makes it worth my time is the fact that my girls absolutely love them!
They can’t wait to be able to hand them out to their friends. So here’s the printable for the Eraser Ring Valentine I promised when I posted the pencil valentine last week.



Cardstock to print valentine



Eraser Rings (From Walmart)


Valentines Eraser Ring Printable

Print the Valentines off on Cardstock. Cut them out and let your child sign their name. Cut a hole to use to tie on the ring with twine.



I had planned on making 2 holes and tying the twine on the top. But this was as far as my hole punch would reach. So I just taped the pieces to the back.

Eraser Ring

I think this worked out just as well if not better to be honest. But you can do it whichever way you like best. Now turn it over and you’re done!


Be sure to check out my Free Pencil Valentine Printables as well if you haven’t already! They all turned out super cute!

Eraser Ring Valentines

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Pencil Bible Verse Valentine

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Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching! So it’s time to get the kiddos valentines ready. I always try to find a fun gift that my kids can give instead of just the usual card valentine. It’s so much fun! There’s nothing wrong with living a little through your child…is there? They are super obsessed these days with pencils and erasers. I’m really not sure if it’s just the age (they’re in 1st grade) or what it is. They love finding quarters so they can buy a pencil at school. So I thought this would be the perfect gift for them to give! So today I’m sharing the pencil valentine file. Be watching Monday for the Eraser Ring Valentine Printable. I hope your kiddos love them as much as mine did!



Card Stock (to print off the valentine)


Pencils (these came from Walmart)

Valentines for Pencils

Print off the Free Printable Valentine on cardstock and cut them out. Have your child sign the card. Make a cut in 2 spots along the arrow to insert the pencil. Now you have a super cute valentine that’s ready to go!

Pencil Valentine


Wedding Gift Personalized Coasters

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Every time I need a wedding gift, this is one of the things I make first. Monogramming everything is the craze these days, but just think about how even more exciting it is to have your new last name on everything right when you get married! This super easy craft is also good for any gift not just weddings. I have a friend that has me make them for her every Christmas for her kid’s teachers. I even made them for myself and still love them!

Name Coasters

Supplies Needed:

4 Coasters (these came from Home Depot)



Contact Paper

Twine or Ribbon


Start by cutting out your vinyl. I used my cricut. The letters measured 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″. Weed your vinyl by carefully pulling away all the excess vinyl. Be very careful as you get to each new letter and especially pay close attention to the dot in the I! It is super easy to lose….don’t ask how I know that! Lol


Now carefully peel off each name using the contact paper. Then transfer it to the top of the coaster. These letters were almost as big as the coaster so it was fairly easy to get them straight.


Once you are done with the vinyl you are ready to start putting the cork on the bottoms.

Split Name Coasters

I got my roll of cork in the aisle with the contact paper at Home Depot. I know they also have this at Lowe’s and Walmart. But in my experience it is always really close to the same price. Start by measuring and cutting the cork the same size as the tile.


Then fold back one corner of the cork and line up the rest with the bottom of the tile. Push the corner down that you folded the backing on and carefully peel the rest of the backing off pressing as you go. Sometimes if I didn’t cut straight I will go back and cut off the excess so it’s not showing from the top.

Name Coasters

Now stack them all up and tie them together with twine or ribbon. This wedding was a country theme so I thought the twine fit well. If I am making it for Christmas gifts, I like to tie it with Christmas ribbon.

Fabric Flower Keychain

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Fabric Flower KeychainSupplies needed:

Scrap Fabric measuring app. 3″ x 26″

Felt in coordinating color

4″ Ribbon

Keychain (Mine were 1 1/2″)

Glue & Glue Gun

Fabric Flower

This is a perfect gift to have around. I try to keep these around for teachers, bus drivers, friends birthdays, hair dresser, pretty much anyone! My 10 year old even loves hers. So if you’re looking for something to do with all those leftover pieces of fabric, here you go!

To start with, cut out your fabric. I made mine 3″ x 26″. This is no exact science. You can honestly make it any size and it will work out. I ended up with about a 3″ flower. If you want it bigger, make your fabric larger, likewise if you want it smaller, make your fabric smaller.

Then, fold your fabric in half.

IMG_3760Tie a knot in one end.


Now hold the small end with the knot. You are going to twist your fabric and then wind it around the knot. The tighter you wind

the smaller it will be. I like to try to twist my fabric so the edges are on the inside and not seen but honestly I’m sure I’m the only one that notices them anyway! I like to put a few dobs of glue as I go to help hold the fabric in place.


Next take your ribbon and fold it around the key ring. Glue the edges together.

Place your felt on the back of the flower and cut around it so it’s the exact size. Then glue the bottom edge of the ribbon between the fabric and the felt. This just finishes the back and helps make the keychain stronger.

IMG_3767And you’re done! It’s really even easier than it looks! I did this a couple of years ago when I was the craft coordinator at my MOPS group. It was a hit. They made several each and were able to give them as gifts.


Father’s Day Craft Roundup

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 I really can’t believe the year is already halfway over. Which means it’s almost Father’s Day! This day always seems to sneak up on me since it’s right at the beginning of summer break.

I always have the hardest time coming up with gifts for all the important men in my life. But these I think any of them would love! I especially love the BBQ rub. My hubby loves to grill and is always looking for new recipes. I hope you find the perfect gift!

Fathers Day Heading

Paint Chip Keychain

Father's Day CraftDad Photo Block

Minion Father’s Day Card


Card & Coupon Book

Coke 6 Pack of Candy

DIY Father's Day Gift Idea - Homemade Six Pack of Treats for Dad

Candy Filled Tie

Peanut M&M Candy Jar

Car Wash Kit

Homemade BBQ Rub

whats cooking with kids

Last Day of School 2014 – 2015 Free Printables

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This year has absolutely flown by! Maybe it is because it is my first year with all 3 of my girls in school. How do they grow up so fast? With Hadley finishing 4th grade and the twins graduating Kindergarten, I love the printables that have the end of school and the year. But I couldn’t find exactly the one I wanted. So PicMonkey is where I went.

SchoolIn years past, I have printed the picture and put it in a picture frame. While that is cute, I wanted to do something a little different this year. So while I was rummaging in my craft room ( or area…I wish I had a craft room!) I found a white canvas. PERFECT!

School 1

Supplies needed:

Printable (available here!)




Start by cutting the edge off the picture. Then place tape on the back edges of the picture. Tape it to the canvas. If you are wanting to keep this as a memory, then you can use ModPodge to glue it on the canvas. Since I only wanted something for pictures for one day and want to be able to use this canvas for something else, tape is a better option for me. Now you are ready to take pictures with your kiddos!

Pink KGPink 1stPink 2ndPink 3rdPink 4thPink 5thPink 6thPink 7thPink 8thI would love to see your pictures if you decide to use this printable!

End of Year Teacher & Bus Driver Gifts

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I can not believe I will soon have 1st graders & a 5th grader! Time flies by so fast. This year I wanted to give the teachers and bus driver something they could use over the summer. What is more perfect than a Redbox gift card? Since they even have one in the little town where we live I know they all would have a good chance to use it. So here’s our idea of a movie & snacks in a basket!


Supplies needed:






Cellophane wrapper

I bought everything at the Dollar Tree! Place all of your candy into a basket. My girls always love a chance to craft so they were super excited to contribute by making cards for each teacher and bus driver. Print off your card onto cardstock.

TeacherBus Driver Redbox Gift

Let your kids sign the bottom of the redbox card if they didn’t make one. Then take a hole punch or scissors and make a hole so you can thread your ribbon through. Tie to the handle of the bucket. You could also wrap the basket in cellophane if your kiddos are delivering the baskets. That way nothing falls out!

I’m sure your teacher and bus driver will love this as much as I hope ours do!

teacher gift


American Girl Craft Ideas

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It’s almost summer here. My girls spend tons of time playing with their American Girl dolls. So I can’t wait to have them home so we can make some more fun things for them to play with. Here is a start to the things I hope to get made x3 soon!


Doll Backyard Party Play Set

Doll Mini Campfire Set

Doll Campfire


Doll Picnic Table Set

American Girl DVDs

Doll DVD


Doll Cooler

Can’t wait to show you all what we come up with. One of our favorite things to do is craft! They get it honest.

Mother’s Day Frame

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I was contacted a few days ago by a high school friend’s Mom for a Mother’s Day gift for her daughter. She sent me 2 pictures. Told me how she wanted to combine the ideas and she wondered if I could help her do it. I didn’t have to think twice. OF COURSE!!

Mothers Day FrameSupplies needed:

Picture frame (this one is an 8 x 10)

Paint for the handprint


Contact Paper

Cardstock (I used white)

She did the hard part in my opinion! Lol she had to get her sweet one year old granddaughter’s handprint. Just dip their hand in the paint or paint it on there with a paintbrush. Just make sure you have plenty of baby wipes handy. I promise you will not do this in one try. But it will be well worth the hassle in the end! Place the hand prints on the back of the glass. You could also do it on the paper you intend to use as backing but placing the handprint on the glass will allow you to change the color of paper if you choose later on to match decor. Sorry for the glare! But you get the picture.

Mothers Day frame 1

Now get out your cricut and print out the saying. I used the font Tempus Sans ITC. The words measured a total of 9 x 6.25. This allowed just the right amount of space on each side in the 8 x 10 frame. Make sure to pay attention to your settings on your cricut or you will cut too deep like I did. Since it was only the heart and one o I was still able to make it work.

Mothers Day Frame 2

Use your contact paper and transfer the vinyl onto the front of your glass. Cut your cardstock you plan to use for the background and you’re ready to go!

Mothers Day Frame

Teacher Appreciation Gift

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I must say my girls have the most awesome teacher this year. I am so very grateful for that! Just think about how much time and energy they all put into loving on and teaching our kids. The time that I am unable to be with my girls I am so thankful knowing they are still taken great care of. For that, I think anytime is a great time to say THANK YOU! But since it is Teacher appreciation week, I figured this was the perfect time to give their teacher and the aide in their class a gift! So since vinyl is one of my favorite things, I made them each a cup and filled them with candy. Because who can’t use a cup and candy! Right?


I use a program called Sure Cuts a Lot along with my cricut. If you don’t have that program, you could still use your cartridges to accomplish the same thing. But I’ll be honest I don’t know how to do the shadow without it.

Start by typing your word for the saying. I used the font Segoe Print. It measures 3.61 x 3.22. The word TEACHER is a shadow blackout rounded. Make sure to group your words and then meld them so they will cut out together where they overlap. I cut out my saying and the teacher’s name in turquoise. Once it cuts, use your contact paper to transfer onto your cup. Press down hard to get out all the bubbles before you pull off the contact paper.

IMG_3712I used white for the shadow for the teacher’s name and also for the word TEACHER so it would stand out more. I cut these out together and then used my contact paper again to transfer them onto the cup. You can use any size and font that will fit on your cup. I made the shadow on the teacher’s name 3 x 3. Then used 2.77 x 2.74 for the name. This is just what size it ended up when I made the shadow a 3 x 3. Again I used a shadow blackout rounded measuring a 10 since I thought it matched the font well.

Teacher 1

Now do the same starting with the white shadow teacher’s name and follow with the teacher’s name. Super easy but so special!

Fill it with candy and let your kiddos make a cute card! A perfect teacher gift!