Last Day of School

Last Day of School 2014 – 2015 Free Printables

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This year has absolutely flown by! Maybe it is because it is my first year with all 3 of my girls in school. How do they grow up so fast? With Hadley finishing 4th grade and the twins graduating Kindergarten, I love the printables that have the end of school and the year. But I couldn’t find exactly the one I wanted. So PicMonkey is where I went.

SchoolIn years past, I have printed the picture and put it in a picture frame. While that is cute, I wanted to do something a little different this year. So while I was rummaging in my craft room ( or area…I wish I had a craft room!) I found a white canvas. PERFECT!

School 1

Supplies needed:

Printable (available here!)




Start by cutting the edge off the picture. Then place tape on the back edges of the picture. Tape it to the canvas. If you are wanting to keep this as a memory, then you can use ModPodge to glue it on the canvas. Since I only wanted something for pictures for one day and want to be able to use this canvas for something else, tape is a better option for me. Now you are ready to take pictures with your kiddos!

Pink KGPink 1stPink 2ndPink 3rdPink 4thPink 5thPink 6thPink 7thPink 8thI would love to see your pictures if you decide to use this printable!